Next month is December (and it's coming up SO fast!!!). I find it amazing how much closer Christmas seems on this side of Thanksgiving... as opposed to the day before Thanksgiving. December brings me one month closer (a whole lot closer!) to my husband finally being home. When this realization struck me, I decided there are several things I want to get done before Mr. H gets home. So starting December 1st, I'm going to be working on a lot of things.
First of all, I want to get Kahlan on a good sleep schedule. Currently, things are far from ideal. She co-sleeps with me, which I actually quite enjoy. But I would really like to have the bed to ourselves when Mr. H is home. It's not exactly easy to cuddle when there's a toddler kicking you in the head! Her nap times are erratic, and bedtime is worse. I just pretty much have to wait until she's ready to go to sleep. It could be anytime from 8:30 pm to 11:30 pm. Luckily, when she is ready to sleep, she goes out easily! She just cuddles up on the couch with me and falls over... it's adorable! I move her up to our bed and we go to sleep. However, the biggest thing overall is that she isn't getting enough sleep, and I'm starting to worry about that a little. So, sleep routine it is!!
I'm also very motivated to get into a good regular habit of getting exercise and eating right. I have some weight I would like to lose (I've tried just liking the size I am, and I can't! So something must be done!). I think that in order to get to that weight that I want, I'm going to have to do some restrictive meal plans, and set up a certain day of the week that I can splurge. If I don't set up a certain day of the week, then I wind up splurging about 3 times a week. It shouldn't work that way! Since it's winter, it's going to be a little harder to get the exercise that I want, but I'm going to make it work. I have a treadmill that I can use when I have my niece over to watch Kahlan, I have the Wii Fit, I have a ton of work out DVD's, and I plan to make some note cards to do yoga from. I can make this work if I just make myself a plan and stick to it! (It's the "stick to it" part that doesn't always work out. Hehe.)
This house is driving me nuts! Okay, to be more specific, it's the insane amount of stuff that's in this house. I plan to work on decluttering and simplifying in the next couple of months. It's a really long process, and it's a lot of work, but I know it will have amazing results. For example, not spending on all my time hunting for that one lost item, or having to move around and clean clutter all the time. Yes, I am ready to have the house be much less cluttered!
Not to mention the fact that I have a goal to get all of my Christmas shopping, crafting, and wrapping done by Sunday. If I get it done, you will know!!! I'm sure I'll be screaming it from the rooftops! Okay, maybe I won't be that excited, but there will certainly be pictures!!
What's your December bring? I'd love to hear!
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