Let me just start off with this: I really hate writing bios or introductions find that when I write a bio it doesn't really capture who I am. So I'm going to delve in and attempt to let you all know what I'm about!

- I'm a 20-something female know as Mrs. H or Shutterbug. I'm a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a sister (in-law, but it counts!), a photographer, a cook, a reader, a writer, a crafter...
- I can't describe myself as a girly-girl or a tomboy, because it really depends on the day.
- I love being a momma to my little girl, but you'll hear plenty on that in the future.
- I feel immense pride in those who fight for our freedom. My husband is my hero. There is also a special place in my heart for all of those who will not come home. A handshake, a hug, a look, or words cannot fully express how grateful I am to those who have answered the call.

- I'm a bit impulsive. The worst thing it has gotten me is "stuff" without research, and maybe a bit overpriced. The best thing its gotten me? My husband- my soul mate.
- I don't believe in regrets. Regretting something is a way of feeling guilty about it, and I cannot stand guilt trips. (I don't deal with them well, just ask my hubby. Well, actually, I just don't deal with them. =)) I have learned to forgive myself (and others) and move on.
- I have my opinions, and if you hang around long enough, I'm very likely to share them. If you don't like them, strike up a good lively conversation about it!
- I'm a photographer, and I LOVE it. There is nothing to compare to capturing a moment in time of someone's life. When I press the shutter, it's sensational to know that this could be a picture someone will cherish for the rest of their lives. I thrive on capturing a person's personality in a portrait.
- I'm married to my soul mate and best friend, all wrapped up in one very handsome red-headed package. I'm proud to say he was my first love, and my first kiss. He's my world, and I'm his. He's the one person I'm willing to say I'm dependent on (besides my parents, of course), which is a huge thing for me because...
- I'm extremely independent. To a fault. The kind of fault that leaves things in the house broken because I tried to move/pick up/fix said thing by myself, not willing to ask for help. But it also means I'm doing okay with this deployment because I can do most of the things around the house and with the car. There's balance in everything.
- I'm Wiccan. It's bound to come up sometime, so I'll just bring it up now. No, I don't dance naked around a bonfire on the full moon. I cherish balance, equality, personal peace, spirituality, nature, fellowship, and a closeness with the powers that be. Talk to me and you'll probably find out we have the same values and morals, we just call them something different. Blessed Be.
- I've learned to never say never. My daughter has taught me that. You're backing yourself into a corner if you say that you will never do things a certain way or never understand why that mom is running to the store in sweatpants with a half dressed baby. The world has a way of explaining these things to you in not such nice ways. =)
- I love a good conversation.
- I need to take more deep breaths. (and maybe even count to 20)
- Life has a way of getting away from me sometimes. I have a tendency to over schedule myself, running in 5 different directions at once. I'm the girl who, in high school and college, thrived on *doing it all*. And let me tell you, I certainly tried to do it all.
- I'm a perfectionist. I can't do things half way. All those things I did in high school? I was pretty darn good at all of them, if I may say so myself.
- I was homeschooled and wouldn't change it for the world. I hope to homeschool my daughter (and any future kids we have).
- I love Alias... and House... and Bones... and Hell's Kitchen... and *blushes* America's Next Top Model
- Harry Potter and the Sword of Truth series are some of my all time favorite books. And I can watch the HP movies over and over and over and over... It drives Mr. H crazy.
- When I chat I tend to overuse "hehe", "lol", and "....".
- I love candles and bubble baths, but strangely, not together.
- I'm learning to value simplicity and I'm trying to downsize. I'm tired of spending time cleaning and dealing with "stuff" when I could be spending time with my daughter.
- I am who I am, and I won't apologize for it. I pretty much have the attitude of if you don't like me, then just leave me be. I'm confident in myself (flaws and all), I love my husband, I love my daughter, and they love me. That's what counts.
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